Liu An Cha 六安茶

Liu An Cha 六安茶

Regular price €8,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €8,00 EUR
Unit price €32,00  per  100g
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Anhui, China | 2015

One rare kind of Heicha from Anhui, where is famous for nationally and internationally recognized teas such as  Liu An Gua Pian (六安瓜片) , Qimen Hongcha 祁門紅茶, and Huangsshan 黃山毛峰. Made with small leaves, unlike other Heichas, it provides very comforting warmth after drinking. Slightly bitter but with its clean after taste, it will amaze you not only its signature smoky flavor but also with combination of green tea flavor and Heicha mouthfeel. It comes in too sizes: the first grade in a 500g basket and the premium grade in a 250g basket and of course you can order smaller amount so that you can try out.

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