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Xihu Shifeng Longjing Pre-Qingming 西湖 師峰龍井 明前茶

Xihu Shifeng Longjing Pre-Qingming 西湖 師峰龍井 明前茶

Regular price €11,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11,00 EUR
Unit price €110,00  per  100g
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Zhejiang Shizifeng Wengjiashan, China | 2024 

We skipped to bring in good Longjing for a couple of years, but this year we present a nice and big batch of pre-Qingming Longjing from the very core region of Xihu Shifeng Longjing, that is, West Lake (Xihu 西湖) Lion Peak (Shizifeng 獅子峰), Mt. Wengjia 翁嘉山, especially from the garden who provides tea to the Chinese government. One bud-two to three-leaf Picking, which means not the very top grade but still loaded with premium quality.

Starting with an interesting toasty aroma reminding of some cornflakes or roasted soybeans, this year's Laifufu Longjing will endow you with amazing aroma and quite complex flavor full with nuttiness, sweetness, and so on. Highly recommended!!

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